One of the most impressive event in KSR's Mars trilogy is definitely the fall of the space elevator's cable on Mars. The cable is so long it wraps twice around the planet's equator ! And when entering the atmosphere, if burns and finally crashes heavily on landscapes and human settlements. The cable is supposed to have a 10m diameter. Just imagine the mess...

So, here is a new photo montage I just made, showing an aerial point of view on the cable falling just near a tent and roads. I imagined what it would look like in the night, with the burning cable lighting the darkness like an apocalyptic devil tail. As you can see, it's just one second before it hits the ground.
(Made with
The Gimp on Linux-Ubuntu)
I must say I've made this picture with John Harris' "electric" visions in mind. In many of his paintings, you can feel the atmosphere cracking just before the cataclysm. If you don't know yet his art,
please take a look !
2 commentaires:
Si je devais realiser une des couvetures pour la trilogie de KSR, c'est certainement ce visuel que je proposerais, la chute de l'ascenseur...
John Harrisest certainement celui qui est capable de visualiser des structures gigantesques
C'est vrai que la chute de l'ascenseur est un moment clé de la trilogie ! En plus, symboliquement, c'est le cordon ombilical avec la Terre qui est coupé. C'est puissant comme événement. J'aimerais bien voir John Harris produire quelques images sur ce sujet !
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