Red Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson describes some very industrial aspects of the terraforming. One of these is the moholes. They are over-size pits, 1km large and going around 15km down in the planet's crust ! It reaches geothermical depths that smoke out of the moholes and contributes to the warm up of the atmosphere needed for the terraforming. This smoke makes the moholes visible from very far.
I just made this montage to express such heavy human presence on the (still) red planet. I put on the ledge of the mohole a gigantic crane, and a tent that protects the town where live the many workers of the mohole.
(Made with
The Gimp on Linux-Ubuntu)
To know more about moholes, visit the excellent
mohole page of MangalaWiki, the wiki of
2 commentaires:
I did not see this one. I love it, very impressive. Excellent.
Great blog I enjoyed readinng
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